IC-821 H |
"By far the easiest to use satellite radio on the market today. In less than 10 minutes after unpacking the 821H, I was on the air at 9600 baud with KO-23" -- Michael Wyrick, N4USI, AO-27 Control Operator
"(The IC-821H) is a terrific dual-band multimode transceiver for all applications. Not only is the IC-821H an excellent VHF/UHF weak signal or contest radio, it is the cornerstone of a high-performance satellite station (digital or analog). Hams who have the Phase 3-D satellite in mind will want to give serious consideration to the IC-821H. It also offers superb FM-voice and 9600-baud packet performance. Combine all of these features with the IC-821's go-anywhere size and you have a radio that's ideal for almost any application above 144 MHz!" -- QST Magazine, March 1997. © ARRL. Reprinted with permission.
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Euro Radio System
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